Healing Effects of Physical Activity and Movement
3.0 Contact Hours
Physical activity and movement are essential elements of any program designed for obtaining or maintaining health and well-being. While most individuals associate physical activity with aerobics, many activities comprise a well-rounded and interesting physical fitness and movement program.
Holistic and Integrative Health: An Introduction
1.5 Contact Hours
The past several decades have brought tremendous growth in the numbers of health care facilities and providers offering integrative health care training and services. Consumers in the United States use these complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies in greater numbers than ever before. Why is this occurring? How do integrative medicine and traditional medicine differ in their approach to care from conventional Western medicine? What integrative health care practices do practitioners and patients use?
Holistic Stress Management
3.0 Contact Hours
Stress affects each of us every day and while some of us rise to the occasion, others experience myriad physiological, psychological, and spiritual effects. How we cope with stress can determine the current and future state of our health and well-being. Our bodies react to the signals sent to us by our brains during stressful episodes and these signals affect every system, especially the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.
There are many holistic stress management techniques including self-awareness, cognitive restructuring, effective communication, guided imagery, social support, art therapy, and journaling.
Nutrition: An Integrative Approach
3.5 Contact Hours
What we eat profoundly impacts our health and well-being, yet many of us eat when we are rushed; we dont know where our food originated; we eat toxic, irradiated, or genetically altered foods; and we eat more than we need. How can we revise our eating habits and become more conscious of what we eat, why we eat it, and how it is prepared?
Place and Space: Healing Environments
3.5 Contact Hours
Every individual has the capacity to enhance his or her healing process (or the healing process of clients) through the creation of healing environments - spaces that support the individuals inner healer and utilize the environment to maximize its healing effects.